PNM - Pure New Media
PNM stands for Pure New Media
Here you will find, what does PNM stand for in Internet under Internet category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Pure New Media? Pure New Media can be abbreviated as PNM What does PNM stand for? PNM stands for Pure New Media. What does Pure New Media mean?Pure New Media is an expansion of PNM
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Alternative definitions of PNM
- PNM Resources, Inc. (Public Service Company of New Mexico)
- PNM Resources, Inc.
- Public Service Company of New Mexico
- Pentagon's New Map
- Peoples' National Movement
- Penitentiary of New Mexico
- Progressive Networks Metafile
- Partido Nacionalista de Melilla
View 23 other definitions of PNM on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- PO The Peabody Orlando
- PUII Processes Unlimited International Inc.
- PPL Paragon Partners Ltd.
- PCL Pegasus Consultancy Ltd
- PSNCEPL PSN Construction Equipment Pvt Ltd.
- PVCBDH Pecan Valley Centers for Behavioral and Developmental Healthcare
- PLI Premier Lotteries Ireland
- PPET Prior Park Educational Trust
- PSR Pacific School of Religion
- PSI Petro Star Inc.
- PEIPL Pearson Education India Pvt Ltd
- PPPL Painted Pony Petroleum Ltd.
- PWI Partnerships With Industry
- PGS Pierre Guerin Sas
- PHTL Phillips Healthcare Technologies Ltd
- PACTG PAC Team Group
- PSLRU PSL Research University
- PCI Phillip Capital Inc.
- PTLPSI PT Leads Property Services Indonesia
- PSF Pearson Scott Foresman